[BUG] Inventory - 2 bugs

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After dropping/deleting an equipped item, it is stuck and can no longer be unequipped.
Workaround Pick up item again, unequip, drop it again | Always unequip before delete/drop | Reconnect

Dropping/deleting the wrong item
Reproduction steps
  • Pick up a weapon
  • Equip weapons
  • Pick up a weapon of the same type
  • Select the second weapon, which you did not equip, and drop/delete
  • Now you can no longer unequip the first weapon you picked up
  • No clue what happens to the ammunition
I'm guessing a loop is run over an inventory array, searching for the object type, not the unique object ID.
The first match it deletes, which is the weapon I picked up first, and not the one I selected to drop/delete.
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Been fixed.
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