OPEN — Chimera Race Guidelines & Information

Apply to change your character's race to Chimera or Bionic.

Moderators: Moderation Access, Game Administrator

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Posts: 241
Registered for: 1 year 11 months
Location: Australia
Characters: Sabine_Callarez

  • @codeine
  • @KidneyStones
  • @Omni
  • You must have reached level 3 on any of your characters.
  • You must have clean admin-record, especially no bans for the past 6 months.
  • You cannot have a Bionic alt account.
  • You must be able to dedicate time and activity as a special race character, as these are limited positions and more active players may seek them out.
  • Ability to provide deep immersion with your roleplay to other players.
  • Sufficient knowledge of the lore.
Terms & Conditions
  • In the case your request is accepted, you surrender your Character Kill rights to official factions of the same race you are apart of that act as the veil authority. Veil breaches (i.e. showcasing your power to humans needlessly, openly flaunting the fact you're a Chimera) can have you subject to a CK.
  • In the event you are character-killed, you will be subject to a forced race change back to human by an administrator.
  • Private messaging a race moderator to check for your application's progress or to plea to be accepted will levy an automatic denial of the application.


Code: Select all

Chimera | Character Name | Sect; Breed; Rank

Code: Select all

[b][u]General Information:[/u][/b]

[b]Character Name:[/b] (Answer here)
[b]Level:[/b] (Answer here)
[b]Sect:[/b] (Undesirables/Insurgents/Deviants/Inconnu)
[b]Breed:[/b] (Orphan/Non-Orphan/Nightwalker)
[b]Rank:[/b] (Fledgling/Subordinate/Watcher/Princeps/Elder)

[b][u]Terms & Conditions:[/u][/b]

[b]Do you understand the rules set by lore applied to your desired race, and understand that you may be forcefully race changed if you fail to abide by them?:[/b] (Answer here)
[b]Do you understand that you could be subject to removal by a race moderator if found to be inactive?:[/b] (Answer here)
[b]Do you understand that you will lose your special race access in the event that you face administrative punishment?:[/b] (Answer here)
[b]Do you understand that you may be character-killed if a race moderator grants permission to your killer before or after your character's death?:[/b] (Answer here)

[b][u]Lore Knowledge:[/u][/b]

[b]How are Sects defined?[/b] — (Min. 100 words)
(Answer here)

[b]What is the Descent?[/b] — (Min. 100 words)
(Answer here)

[b]Elaborate the Convention & their purpose[/b] — (Min. 100 words)
(Answer here)

[b]Explain the difference between the faction Inconnu & the Sect: Inconnu[/b] — (Min. 100 words)
(Answer here)

[b]What happened in Project: Antithesis?[/b] — (Min. 100 words)
(Answer here)

[b][u]Character Intricacies:[/u][/b]

[b]Provide an in depth story of your character:[/b] — (Min. 200 words)
(Answer here)
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Posts: 192
Registered for: 2 years 1 month
Characters: Cleopatra_Klaproth

Applications for Chimeras are now closed. They will be open in the near future.
User avatar
Posts: 241
Registered for: 1 year 11 months
Location: Australia
Characters: Sabine_Callarez

Five (5) slots for Chimera open until 5/31/2023.
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