Factions Guidelines & Information

Whether we talk about bandits, soldiers or the most dedicated fathers, all of them have one thing in common. They can't survive alone.

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Factions Guidelines & Information

Post by Parzival »

There are two different types of factions in the server - unofficial and official factions.

Every faction starts off being unofficial - the faction leader shall create a faction thread in this section where he and the other faction members shall post screenshots of their activities - whether it's in between faction members or with other players. The active thread shows that your faction is active and active factions are far more likely to receive official status and other perks.

In order to become official, the current unofficial faction has to meet specific criteria even to become qualified:
  • Have a thread that's been active for at least 2 weeks;
  • Faction has to have a visible in-game presence;
  • Member attitude and roleplay quality must be up to standards;
  • Faction members must have a good standing within the community and no recent administrative punishments.

The main difference between these two types of factions is that official factions are scripted into the server and receive certain perks to offer everyone a more immersive and enjoyable experience. What perks shall be granted is considered in a case-by-case basis, but they might include:
  • Faction headquarters;
  • Faction vehicles;
  • Custom & unique faction skins;
  • OOC chat;
  • Rank system;
  • Ability to request their own microcity, which may have other perks involved.
Do note, that everyone is allowed to make a thread and roleplay as a faction, but the faction management team upholds the right to close any faction threads at any time if they deem it necessary. These reasons can fall under the points of the thread not being active, the faction having a lousy concept for an apocalypse, etc.
Last edited by Vectra on August 18th, 2022, 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: adjusted
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Re: Factions Guidelines & Information

Post by Vectra »

We're currently looking forward to fast-tracking a few factions to the official status, therefore the required time for a thread has been lowered to just 2 weeks (From 6 weeks). Please feel free to contact me on Discord if you have any additional questions.