First day of Desolation Roleplay

We strive to bring more entertainment with future projects, such as stories, video games and hardcover board games. Chime in!
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Thank you so much for showing up yesterday to Desolation Roleplay! Your interest is appreciated and it means all the preparation was worthy!

The first day brought me a lot of joy, because I expected to be online with Masta as we watch each-other sort of disappear when desync starts kicking in. But guess what! A lot of people, also new, showed up and nobody experienced major bugs such as people vanishing! Honestly, I couldn't be happier. The game works and you're having fun!

While there is room to improve. Many things have to be considered, such as item loss on /respawnme, access to antidotes and zombies sprinting. Not to mention aimbotting guards. (At this point I am expecting Raytheon to offer me a job.) All suggestions are appreciated, and while I may not personally reply to each one, please know I read them and love them. I love that you care, and add your piece. It takes a while for me to get to them because there is a lot on my plate, but I am getting to them.

So what is going for you? Fortunately the bugs are going to be fixed and new features are on the way. Besides quality if life updates expect camp+fire building, weapons working better, a fishing, sometime also a hunting system rolling out, and hardcore characters that enjoy some benefits but live one life. I imagine these on short term. On long term a discord bot will assist you in resetting your passwords. Cars are also on mind. Vehicle trunks will store your goods!

How about factions and territories? These features appear distant because most players are used to other server systems. Waiting months to hold territory and years to get faction chat access will not be a thing here. Get a forum thread up and see how fast you can progress! I am very open to letting IC events shape the game. You overtook Scarville? Then have Scarville. Can you keep it though? Good luck.

Some general guidelines towards occupying cities and territories, furthermore getting them also scriptly will be pushed out by the faction team!

Expect to hear new updates too! Once again, thank you, and if you wish to support the project you can always contribute too! Looking forward to seeing everyone in-game.

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Characters: Alyssa_Dixon

Loving it so much, you have my support!
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Posts: 140
Registered for: 1 year 9 months
Characters: Cedro_Leon

ay foo i aint comment yet but ever since i started playing on here in the first 5 minutes of the launch it really was and still is an experience to enjoy foo, i hope the server sees the day of reaching numerous more players in the future
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