Civilian Defence Force (CDF)

Whether we talk about bandits, soldiers or the most dedicated fathers, all of them have one thing in common. They can't survive alone.

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Civilian Defence Force (CDF)

Post by SpaghettiMayne »

Civilian Defence Force "Servientes Populo"
Image INTRODUCTION: Civilian Defence Force, also known as a civilian created paramilitary after the collapse of the city's control was original by Earl Cunningham, a forty nine year old, United States Army Veteran along with three other originating, "first few", members within the early beginning of the virus outbreak. - The paramilitary branch does not associate with any Governmental control or regulations however it is of legitimate understanding and legal concerns to restore peace and order within the City of Los Santos.

Image CORE VALUES: The motto "Servientes Populo" originates as Latin for "Serving the People" - which defines the core values of the Civilian Defence Force; R-I-S-E which stands for;

R espect - It is all about ensuring a sense of pride and providing the absolute image of two-way street towards all comrades, of all colour, race, origin, and religion. Even if a person disagrees with said personal values, it is up to that team member to put the task of the force, first.
I ntegrity - To do right in all circumstances and effectively. It is valuable for building trust and confidence between individuals who may face hardship and danger.
S ervice - An act of selfless commitment, it is about professional duties taking over precedence over personal interests, the willingness to serve other people before ourselves.
E xcellence - By striving for excellence we show a sustained desire for continuous improvement and innovation that will ensure the Defence Force remains second to none. Professional excellence is more than the trade or operational skills that we develop through training and during our Service lives.

Image MISSION: Despite the rising count of undead and unidentified creatures forming in the State of San Andreas, specifically the City of Los Santos, the aim and mission is to dedicate towards peacekeeping efforts, and pillar holding the safety of all those that seek refuge, safety and a barrier from the ill intent and non-living.

At no point will the Civilian Defence Force attend for criminal behaviour and will only respond to an active threat, or due-to-be active threat that may put the structure of the people at risk. Combat towards illicit gatherings and groups is not a primary focus, however it is a practiced scope that all prior trained Military and Police personnel whom are apart of this force, consider the likelihood of harm towards the people or property from an invader, or non-living being before engaging in lethal combat.

Liaison efforts with the local authorities that are of Government origin or branches will take place, and will be a prime factor of all operations that proceed. However, the founding supervisor of any judgement will take responsibility for any and all actions they take part in and will supply the best thought process before, and after.
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Re: Civilian Defence Force (CDF)

Post by SpaghettiMayne »

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Re: Civilian Defence Force (CDF)

Post by SpaghettiMayne »

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Re: Civilian Defence Force (CDF)

Post by Mason »

Good luck with your militia!
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
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