August 2022

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August 2022

Post by Awide »


Today we are two weeks old. I must admit that the server has surpassed all my expectations and if I know we peak around 20 players, I put way less effort into NPCs! I would like to announce what we have been up to during this time, and what kind of changes happen in staff. I will start with the latter.

Both moderators and admins provided tremendous help. Countless reports were handled and requests answered. I hope with their assistance we can have more fun. This sounds weird and meaningless. But I mean it. Due the server growth and surprising activity I would like to make my job easier. Fortunately two admins accepted my request, willing to step up into senior roles.

I know a lot of features were requested and maybe some of them were approved. On my to-do list I have 17 scripts awaiting that are not just small works like fixing the weather when entering interiors. They will be rolled out as smaller update packs, so you can get more entertaining pieces in a bunch! Some ideas include city supplies, airdrops with DM content, crafting redesign and minigames, such as hunting. Thankfully all game-breaking bugs were fixed and I can focus on developing major features!

Without further ado, please allow me to introduce changes in senior staff, and wish our new moderators lot of fun and success on Desolation!
  • Venta is going to be the Head of Factions, to up cities and factions game. His own faction will soon have a new leader, who will promote city interactions of Scarville.
  • KidneyStones is going to be the Head of Staff, to assist not only with moderators, but also with trial admins and admins.
Please congratulate them, and rip their inbox instead of mine! :fire: :mailbox:

Three new moderators joining our team:
  • shredder
  • Ces
  • amorphous
Once again, congratulations!
I appreciate all the financial support going towards the server!
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