[REJI] Reggie_Omar

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Posts: 1
Registered for: 8 months

Account name:[Reji]
In-game names:[Reggie Omar]
Banning administrator:[I cant remember.]
Date: 19.29.2023.
Reason:["FUCK OFF" i think dm]
Why you should be unbanned:[My friend just send me this servers ip, i liked it so i joined.. i thought killing pepole for no reason was allowed and i killed some and did dm-s, im so sorry.. then i get banned.. my friend told me to read the rules i read rules on the forum, im so sorry to pepole i killed.. :( im so sorry to staff and everyone.. i just want to play with my faction on the server..]
Posts: 92
Registered for: 1 year 8 months
Location: Romania
Characters: Kaitlin_West

Reggie wrote: October 29th, 2023, 3:05 pm Account name:[Reji]
In-game names:[Reggie Omar]
Banning administrator:[I cant remember.]
Date: 19.29.2023.
Reason:["FUCK OFF" i think dm]
Why you should be unbanned:[My friend just send me this servers ip, i liked it so i joined.. i thought killing pepole for no reason was allowed and i killed some and did dm-s, im so sorry.. then i get banned.. my friend told me to read the rules i read rules on the forum, im so sorry to pepole i killed.. :( im so sorry to staff and everyone.. i just want to play with my faction on the server..]

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