Faction Rules

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Characters: Cleopatra_Klaproth

Faction Rules
Last Updated: 10.27.2023.

The Faction Rules are designed to not only keep faction roleplay interesting for all parties, but also fair and with limitless potential. This, however, has to undergo reasonable guidelines which will be mentioned below.
Any uncertainties about the rules, or any concerns in that regard, can be discussed via forum PMs or Discord tickets.
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Characters: Cleopatra_Klaproth

#1 — Common Courtesy
1.1: Leadership Standard
  • Leaders of factions must maintain a healthy attitude, far from any OOC toxicity and childishness, and should encourage their members to act as such. This helps ease communication between factions and Faction Management.
  • Leaders of factions must uphold an exemplary degree of roleplay standard. They are also expected to know the rules of the server in and out, as well as the policies regarding factions.
  • Faction leaders must seek approval of Faction Management before making big decisions that can affect other factions on a severe degree, the long-term roleplay of other people and character development. These include:
    • Widespread destruction of property that belong to opposing faction.
    • Acts of terrorism such as bombings, widespread massacres & killings.
    • Major scale attacks & city sieges.
    • Assassinations of big identities/members of opposing faction.
  • They are also encouraged to maintain communication with the Faction Management and seek advice on anything in regards to faction standards. However, the faction management is not obliged to provide any insight regarding a faction's chance of acquiring official status.
  • Faction leaders are not allowed to contact Faction Management regarding the status of their faction. Faction Management will contact the faction leader at the moment that their faction is given an official status.
1.2: Strikes & Warnings
  • There will be corresponding faction strikes that'll be allocated to factions that violate guidelines/policies. The strikes are capped at 3. It can range from verbal sit downs to administrative punishments. Repetitive rulebreaking, hacking, bug exploits and others are easy ways to earn a faction strike.
  • Faction Management also holds the authority to facilitate faction ceasefires should faction rivalries go out of hand. The same terms apply towards territory takeovers.
A verbal warning, an official faction strike, or a faction shut down depending on the severity.
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Characters: Cleopatra_Klaproth

#2 — Schemes
2.1: Overthrows
  • The initiator of a coup or an overthrow must contact Faction Management and provide them with valid reasons pertaining the existence of an overthrow.
  • The initiator of a coup must be a high ranked member of the faction, a member of the high council, a co leader/founder or a second-in-command.
  • The initiator of a coup must have a high approval rating (OOC) from the vast majority of the faction's members before it becomes valid.
NOTE: All deaths that directly correlate to the coup d'etat will result in an immediate Character Kill in spite of the outcome.
2.2: Allies
  • One faction may ally only with one (1) faction.
  • A faction must be at least a week old and active in order to commit alliances.
  • A faction may only call upon an allied faction for backup/reinforcement in an active war if there has been a week of in-game interaction between the faction and the allied faction.
2.3: Wars & Conflicts
  • There must be an IC sufficient reason in order for a war to take place between two factions.
  • There are no limits as to how many rivalries a single faction can face.
  • Should a faction member be killed in an active war against a certain faction, they are no longer allowed to take part in the next skirmish/fight. They are considered Player Killed. However, if they are present during another attack, they may defend their fellow faction members, however they are not allowed to partake in offensive attacks against opposing factions.
  • A faction, whether official or unofficial, is strictly mandated to log the deaths of their members, as well as the deaths from the opposing faction. They are also encouraged to write OOC reports in every fight, though this isn't mandatory.
  • Rival factions may agree to a Character Kill war, but this matter must be discussed with Faction Management beforehand.
  • Turf wars must take place under the supervision of the Faction Team. Before initiating turf wars, contact the Faction Team beforehand.
  • Attacking a city must be done under the supervision of a Faction Team or an Administrator. The attacking party must have sufficient equipment, manpower and reason to realistically take on fortified cities such as Scarville & Ilyansk.
  • You may not wear a mask OOC'ly when initiating a faction attack. This is to make logging the deaths and those who were involved more efficiently. However, you have the full liberty to roleplay having a mask. If the opposing side takes advantage of it and metagames, contact the Staff Team as soon as possible.
  • You may not AFK during an attack to avoid death. You are also not allowed to quit after dying to deny the opposing side from looting your dead body.
A verbal warning, an official faction strike, or a faction shut down depending on the severity.
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Posts: 192
Registered for: 2 years 1 month
Characters: Cleopatra_Klaproth

#3 — Conflicts
3.1: Attacks
  • The following activities are considered attacks:
    • Destruction of property/city entities/within city jurisdiction.
    • An attempt to kill via firearms or melee weapons.
    • The abduction or kidnapping of opposing faction members.
    • Robbery of opposing factions (only if caught).
  • Courtesy of Attacks:
    • As a new faction, you cannot be in a war against another faction unless your faction is a week old. If a faction provokes you into a war, you may file a faction complaint.
    • You are allowed to loot the dead corpses of opposing sides if the given circumstance allows it.
    • You are not allowed to use first aid kits and life saving kits (/heal or /revive) while in an active gunfight.
    • You are not allowed to /acceptdeath until an active gunfight or physical conflict has concluded.
    • You are obliged to roleplay according injuries whether it be in a fistfight or in a gunfight if the circumstance gives you a chance to do so. (For example: If you are provided the chance to roleplay injuries by opposing faction, roleplay your injuries).
A verbal warning, an official faction strike, or a faction shut down depending on the severity.
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