Division 66.

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Division 66.

Secretly created Division 66 is one of the most vicious and powerful Japanese Self Defence Forces (JSDF) sub division, which was standing out alot back in Japan. JSDF upper echelon decided to gather best soldiers from JSDF and united Division 66 (DD66) for special missions, unoffically.
D-66 Was doing good till all members dissapeard.
Captain had personal issues with JSDF Upper Echelon and felt used, he convinced all of D-66 members to run in San Andreas with him after the virus ate the whole SA State, most of them accepted, but those who didn't were found brutally murdered.
D-66 captain destroyed all of their lines to JSDF and broke out as little crew which is trying to take over the control of everything they can possibly reach to.
Now Deadly D-66 is counted as Criminal Crew built on people whose are counted as top martial art users and top shooters.
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