ACCEPTED — Chimera | Character Name: Yehuda Becker | Insurgent; Nightwalker; Subordinate

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General Information:

Character Name: Yehuda Becker
Level: 8
Sect: Insurgent
Breed: Nightwalker
Rank: Subordinate

Terms & Conditions:

Do you understand the rules set by lore applied to your desired race, and understand that you may be forcefully race changed if you fail to abide by them?: Yes
Do you understand that you could be subject to removal by a race moderator if found to be inactive?: Yes
Do you understand that you will lose your special race access in the event that you face administrative punishment?: Yes
Do you understand that you may be character-killed if a race moderator grants permission to your killer before or after your character's death?: Yes

Lore Knowledge:

How are Sects defined? — (Min. 100 words)

The whole umbrella of the Chimera society is divided into four sections. The Inconnu, the Deviants, the Insurgents, and the Undesirables.

Inconnu: Chimera have a subgroup called The Inconnu that conforms to the rules of Convention while being governed by members of their own group. Inclination towards spirituality and possessing large ego characterize the Inconnu. Their unyielding faith is what motivates them to keep going and sustain their lives. The progeny of Inconuu could potentially possess Chimera's capability for resurrecting deceased individuals, but there is a veil of secrecy surrounding the Inconnu's traditions that leads some to label them as practitioners of dark magic and witchcraft.

Deviants: People sometimes become Deviants like the Stray Chimera, going astray not knowing what they want and choosing neutrality over anything else. They are only accountable to themselves, however, chimeras who are deviant act as protectors of neutrality. In essence they function like peacekeepers striving only for settlement and continued existence, while they imitate regular surviving humans in their movements and behaviors and also being assimilated into human societies.There is a lack of adherence to norms in the multicultural community, and neither do I agree with the philosophy of Insurgents nor that of Convention. Above all else they value unity and equality.

Insurgents: The rebels in a chimeric society go by the name of Insurgents because they reject both Inconnu and Convention whom they view as being solely motivated by greed for power. Insurgents are those rebellious Chimera creatures that reject everything about Inconnu.The use of weapons plays a significant role in The Insurgent's campaign as they condemn The Inconnu, and the composition of the sect referred to as The Insurgents is primarily Orphans and those rejected by society along with young individuals that have suffered mistreatment from their Mentors.

Undesirables: Those promoting harmony between Chimeras and Bionics are categorized as Undesirables, and many Undesirables do not comply with either Inconnu's convention or governance and are regularly found in association with Bionics. Following the footsteps of Jacqueline Coiler and her philosophy of advocating for peace with powerful Bionics even after being executed by the Inconnu is what they adhere to. Bionics' new allies are Chimera that used to oppose them but now defy the Convention.

What is the Descent? — (Min. 100 words)

The most important details in this text are that the narrator was met with a horde of walkers in the woods of Back O' Beyond, and that an adolescent in a black cloak emerged from the vegetation and armed herself with an AR. As the dozens of walkers started to drop, the unidentified teenager ran out of ammunition and unsheathed her sword. The narrator felt a mix of gratitude and fear at the same time, but even then, if dying was the only way out from their suffering, then so be it. The narrator was forced to drink her blood, and at the time, their body was too starved to process the situation. The narrator chose to drink and relish the liquid, despite knowing it was someone else's blood.
The narrator's body began to convulse uncontrollably after being exposed to the blood. They felt hot and cold at the same time, and the creature that gave them her blood took a step back to become the audience. After half an hour, serenity and calmness entered their mind, and they began to feel relaxed, refreshed and their sweat began to clear. When the convulsions ended, it felt like a cigarette after a long day in the work shop or the couch after standing for five hours straight. Her blood tasted like a drug that was in need of their protection and exclusion, as if they wanted every drop of it for themselves only.
Jackie is introduced to Jacqueline, a girl in a black cloak, who promises prosperity, good health, stability, order, peace, and the nullification of conflict. She promises prosperity, good health, stability, order, peace, and the nullification of conflict. Jackie feels obligated to listen to Jacqueline's promises, not because she saved her life, but because she fears what she could do.

Elaborate the Convention & their purpose — (Min. 100 words)

The Convention are the fundamental laws of Chimera society, established by the Inconnu to ensure peace, order, stability, survivability and the prevention of a mass genocide by humans.
Veil: It is forbidden to reveal the truth of Chimera's existence to humans thus it remains hidden.
Cleansing: Without fail and without exception it falls on the shoulders of a Chimera to kill any misfit (Orphan Chimera) as part of their obligation.
Origins: Forbidding humans from discussing Sanctuary Men (Children of the Sanctuary), Music Revenant and Elysium Pharmaceuticals.
Realm: The domain of a Chimera is where they hunt and their rule over it is absolute.
Adversary: The creation of any kind of bond or peaceful negotiation by the Chimera with a Bionic is considered unacceptable
Breeding: Permission from an influential Inconnu leader is required to turn humans into Chimeras
Accountability: Responsibility for a fledgling’s actions falls on The Chimera or the Mentor, but exceptions can apply to Orphan Chimera's ability to become a fledgling.
Hospitality: Presenting yourself respectfully to those in positions of power is an important aspect of showing hospitality in foreign lands
Ruination: The act of killing Chimera is authorized only for those who are considered elite in their respective communities like Void or Revenant Chimeras, and the power to initiate hunts is reserved solely for Chimeras holding high ranks. Approval is possible after requesting permission from either an ordinary subordinate Chimera or from the young ones

Explain the difference between the faction Inconnu & the Sect: Inconnu — (Min. 100 words)

Chimera have a subgroup called The Inconnu that conforms to the rules of Convention while being governed by members of their own group. Inclination towards spirituality and possessing large ego characterize the Inconnu. Their unyielding faith is what motivates them to keep going and sustain their lives. The progeny of Inconuu could potentially possess Chimera's capability for resurrecting deceased individuals, but there is a veil of secrecy surrounding the Inconnu's traditions that leads some to label them as practitioners of dark magic and witchcraft.
The fundamental laws of Chimera society are enshrined in the Convention that was instituted by the Inconnu for maintaining peace and stability while preventing any potential threat from humans.
As time elapsed following the civil war within Elysium Corporation and their laboratories those that survived endured life in a new apocalyptic world. The Chimera have now established a secret society governed by Inconnu where Void preserves order while Revenants maintain law and punish those who defy it. The purpose behind these ranks created by Inconnu intellectuals was to categorize different levels of Chimera powers and test their viruses' potency

What happened in Project: Antithesis? — (Min. 100 words)

Project: Antithesis was a group of scientists who attempted to reverse the effects of a mutation. Despite their intellectual capacity, failure became a recurrent consequence. Hans Boetticher, the project's lead facilitator, called upon the hazardous idea of blending in the mutagens of a Revenant and the Void with the DNA of a powerful Orphan to develop a 100% tolerance and immunity from the mutation. This ultimately turned out to be their biggest failure, and a Nightwalker spawned from the gurney. PA-052 was the first Nightwalker that had ever emerged, and all those that belong to the lineage descend from his bloodline.

A Nightwalker's mutagens and virus' potency enabled him to turn a human or a Bionic into one of his own with a single bite, causing a fast paced descent to madness and the rapid growth of muscle fibers and the cranium size. Nightwalkers do not adhere to the Convention, nor do they respect the Inconnu for their status in the chimeric society, and are known to clash with everybody to ensure its own survival.

Character Intricacies:

Provide an in depth story of your character: — (Min. 200 words)

Dr. Yehuda Becker, also known as Rex, is a Insurgent Chimera in the northern side of Montgomery.
Yehuda was born in Los Santos, in the most dangerous neighborhood of Los Santos, where both young and old were involved in criminal activities, such as drug dealing, murders, shootings and riots happened everyday in the area, which was not surprising forthe people living there. Becker was distinguished by his aptitude for learning and talent since childhood, because of this, his father tried to keep him away from a life of crime and divert his attention to other things as much as possible.
A few years later, Becker enrolled at the University of San Fierro, and because of this he had to change his residence, which was very useful for him to concentrate on his work.
Due to his successful studies, he was offered to a position at Elysium Pharmaceuticals at the age of 20, right after graduating from San Fierro university.
The deadlier strains of Chimera's hunters: Voids and Revenants; along with their predecessor virus that caused devastation worldwide were all present. Production of the first Chimera took place in the Genesis sector, eliminating survivors without empathy or compassion allowed these creatures to become successful hunters. Yehuda had no other choice and he finally took part in the creation of ruthless hunters, otherwise known as the Chimera.
On the onset of the apocalypse and after the dissolution of Elysium, Dr. Becker took a role in an independent cell of researchers including those from the Sanctuary solely in dedication towards finding this cure under Project: Antithesis.
Boetticher and the others, placed test subject PA-052 under experimentation and it subsequently failed, causing the creation of the Nightwalkers.
Within minutes, Becker, alon with other researchers, were exposed to the PA-052 virus and ended up becoming the precursor to the exact creature they promised to cure.
Becker managed to escape from the scene, but within minutes he was suffering and his body was slowly mutating. Becker felt nothing but pain for about 40 minutes. Eyes gushed with blood, increased acidity and bleached body.
After the transition, Becker could no longer control himself and was overcome by a huge hunger for a human flesh.
Becker has found himself alone in Montgomery, and he is only fighting for his own survival.
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