
Share your character or faction development along with your most fun moments!

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Athena's background story :
Athena Ortiz was born and raised in Mexico, she had a rough childhood as her parents passed away at the age of five.
Though she had her sister behind her all the time "Lexa Ortiz" caring and loving her all the time.
Knowing the fact that the age difference between them isn't huge at all, Lexa is older than Athena by four years only.
At an early age, Athena's sister "Lexa" had to find a job and be out in the streets, learning from the street.
On the other hand, Athena was living her pink life, as Lexa made everything for her easy. Athena always cared about animals, and Athena had always dreamed of becoming a vet. She was passionate about animals and the healing practice, though their finical status wasn't the best at all, Athena's sister made it look easy putting food on the table, get proper clothes, and also pay rent, though she had to suffer everyday while working, doing whatever it takes to keep her sister "Athena" protected and happy.
We can tell that Lexa filled the gap that's missing in Athena's life due to her parents passing away.
When Athena finished her high-school she wanted to apply for veterinarian school, following her dream to do something good, helping out animals and so.
Even though that Lexa paid a large amount of money for the university tuition fees, it wasn't enough.
Athena managed to find a job with Lexa's assistance as a bartender in a bar.
Her salary was just enough to get her enrolled in the veterinarian school, and her sister "Lexa" kept supporting Athena finically and emotionally of course.
After four years, Athena graduated and Lexa provided her with a proper job in a vet clinic, and by this time Athena was just living the life she had always dreamt about.
By the age of 25 Athena's sister was forced to leave the Country as she got herself into trouble with the government, she did something that made the gangs and the government want her head under any price.
So Athena's sister "Lexa" decided to leave the Country and illegally go to America, Los Santos City to be exact, hoping for a fresh start.
When Athena knew about the whole thing, she simply couldn't imagine her life without her beloved sister.
As Athena's sister meant more than just a sister, she was her family, and best friend, and what's more, she respected and loved her as if she was her mother.
Though Lexa had connections in Los Santos, she couldn't provide Athena was a proper job in a vet clinic.
Athena found herself forced to sell drugs and cook Methamphetamine "Meth", as she worked as a vet for a long time she was familiar with chemistry, and her sister was very familiar with the business.
They managed to make a very good amount of money, and they played it right. No cops or government knew about them or their business.
When they heard about the apocalypse, Athena was just stoned and shocked, she didn't believe that this would happen.
Once Lexa heard about this news, she took Athena from hand and they decided to be around the county side as it's safer.
And honestly, Athena wouldn't have survived a day without Lexa being around her, Lexa looked after Athena the whole time, as Athena's sister "Lexa" knew how to fight and pull the trigger, though Athena never held a gun before in her life, so Lexa taught her a couple of things, regarding how to use weapons and stuff like that.
Athena tries her best all the time to see Lexa happy, as she cares about her more than anyone/anything in the world.

The mysterious day :
One day, Athena was killing the voices inside of her head with a bottle of whiskey that she found - She drank the whole bottle in a few hours, but Athena is used to drinking in general since she started at the age of 18. On the other hand, Lexa barely drinks as she hates alcohol so much she even tried to help Athena quit alcohol a few times, but she failed as Athena was already in deep shit dealing with alcohol.
On that day, Athena forced Lexa to just drink a glass of wine with her, and Lexa just went with the flow. She didn't want to say no to her sister and also the wine looked delicious for once in her eyes.
The wine had a very obvious effect on Lexa, considering she's not used to alcohol, she got drunk easily from her first glass.
By this point, siblings are heavily drunk - Not aware of what's happening around them.
The only thing they managed to remember when they woke up was that they've done a few actions that shouldn't be done and they've said a few things that shouldn't be said. At first, they had a hard time processing what happened between them, and Lexa needed to clear her mind as she was having too many voices in her head, even weed couldn't shut up these voices inside of Lexa's head. She decided to take her bike and leave Iiysank city for a while, though Athena didn't want her to leave and she begged her to stay.
Athena even made Lexa promise to come back each week, and Lexa "Fakely" agreed.
First week:
Athena is falling apart, getting more worried about her sister, Lexa's not answering the radio even when Athena went out to look for her sister, she couldn't find her at all.
Second week:
By this week Athena changed a little with the absence of her beloved sister.
Athena slowly started to leave her "pink world".
End of the second week:
Lexa showed up by the gates, she acted weird.
Lexa looked very normal, not parodied as usual, even though, Athena was very mad at her sister, when she tried to hug her, Lexa seemed to be a stone, Lexa rolled her arms around Athena but she was showing no feelings, it seemed that Lexa was just going with the flow.
From that point, Athena knew that there was something wrong with her sister.
Last edited by Athena_Ortiz on April 11th, 2023, 10:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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😍 My bro could write a book, on god, looking great!
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