Benefits of joining staff:
- Take part in our community's life as a moderator;
- Be part of an active and fun team who likes gaming, especially playing on Desolation;
- Get informed on future updates ahead;
- Beta test new features;
- Fix your vehicle ingame.
- Actively playing on Desolation Roleplay;
- Having a good understanding of the game;
- Good standing with the community and Desolation staff;
- Playing and general availability for a few hours anytime between 22.00 to 04.00 servertime;
- Living in timezones of America, Australia or East-Asia (preferred);
- Native English speaker (preferred).
Please do not write more than 200 words for any question, it's unnecessary!
Thank you!
Code: Select all
[u]Moderator Application[/u]
Account name:
Character names and levels:
Screenshot of your /stats (one character is enough):
Age and country of origin (optional):
Please shortly explain your roleplaying history and experiences:
Please shortly explain what you think of Desolation and it's community:
Would you keep playing if we denied your application?:
Comments, questions, or anything we should know: