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Cambridge Dictionary wrote:revenant
noun [ C ]
US /ˈrev.ən.ənt/ UK /ˈrev.ən.ənt/

someone who has returned, especially someone who returns to life after being dead.
Project Revenant, and their child Elysium Pharmaceuticals. What started off as a virus meant to eliminate the need of an army, quickly spiralled out of hand. Everyone knows the story of how the Lab lost their funding, and had to resort to hidden tactics to continue their research. This eventually lead to the creation of the experiments they deemed successful, the bionics, and the ones they consider the failures, the chimera. That is how the story the people of now know. But there's a piece of history lost to time, and the chaos. There was a successful experiment in one of their deep cover labs. One powerful enough that had their existence been revealed, it would've exposed what they were truly doing in this lab. With the DEA investigating, it was best to keep a lid on their being. The namesake of the Project, the Revenants. Classed as Chimera, but far more powerful than the normal breed. Created for the sole purpose of hunting. And they were damn good at it. Anyone who got too close to discovering their existence were systematically wiped out by order of the Project heads.

Years went by, and eventually Elysium Pharmaceuticals was in deep trouble. Then, in a split second decision by the project heads, they decided to wipe out the proof of these hunters. Documents burned, people silenced, labs destroyed. One by one, every single shred of evidence disappeared. Until all that was left were the hunters themselves. Majority, being bred to be loyal, accepted their fate of death. However, there was the few who grew to love the Hunt more than their loyalties. And such, a civil war between the Revenants broke out. Two weeks later, it goes quiet. The Project heads assumed that the job was done, and that they wiped each other out. Investigations were carried out, and indeed - every single one of the hunters was accounted for. They left it at that, and accepted their fate at the hands of the DEA.

The Revenants, lost to history. But, true to their name - they return. Not many souls today remember their existence. And those who do, consider them a myth. But they are far from some folk story. They are the hunters. Monsters bred to fight. The horror of their blood red eyes instill a fear that many have forgotten deep in their soul. Well, that is if you live long enough to experience the fear. Those who return are now gathered in a small area of the state of San Andreas. No one truly knows what their goals are for coming here, but one thing is for sure; it is not good.
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A deadly encounter. Rumors begin spreading after the trade factory, located in blueberry, set off their alarms and made an all man panic call. Hoping customers turned away, while gunshots ring off in the background. The public radio channels begin blowing up with everything from questions, demands, and accusations. The truth is revealed shortly after. Those who came to spectate, and those listening to the radio at just the right time, hear what the commotion is all about. A bloodcurdling screech echoes from within the factory. Definitely not a human. And a harsh warning to those with experience. "Chimera", they begin shouting. Bionic and Human alike team up to take on the threat. A stray Chimera isn't much of a danger in most cases. But boy, do they now wish they had listened to their fears. A six man entry team is formed, and they go after the solo enemy within the factory. Screams, howls, and gunshots fill the area. And shortly after; a masked beast bursts through the door and escapes the area. They assume that the enemy is scared off by the friendly gunfire. The cheers of the spectators are quickly silenced, when they notice the blood trail it left behind. The entire entry team, of six people, wiped out and nearing death on the floor of the factory. Medical teams scramble, and the existence of a bionic fighter involuntarily revealed after activating her Phalanx injector. For the first time, in many years, the hunters hunted. Even the bionics, who exists solely to hunt the chimera, stood no chance against this one. A forgotten threat, now revealed in a fearsome way. A double sided blade now hangs on the factory. Recovering from the fight, and now having the knowledge of a threat on this level.
You can plan, but the hunters are better at planning. We watch. Observe. Stalk. Hunt. We are coming.
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James Fernandez is a Chimera himself
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The terror lurking in the shadows. A group, two bionics and a human, patrol the streets of blueberry. Unknown to them, a hunter watches. The group stop to fight a zombie, and begins to torture it. The hunter watches. They call us the monsters, but look at what they do. We have reasons for what we do. What reason do they have? The hunt begins. The fight lasts well over ten minutes. The hunter plays with them. They attack with claws, and the hunter laughs. They shoot him, the hunter smiles. With one hit, the hunter breaks the arm of the bionic attacker. This was a game for the hunter, but life and death for the mortals. After many rounds of ammunition, and fighting until exhaustion, the hunter falls. Victorious, the group approaches and begin trying to loot. But they forget. They all did. We are Revenants. We do not die. One second, he appears dead. The next, he takes the head off of the looter. The game continues, as the hunter saunters off in victory. When will they learn? Remember?
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What started as a simple quest for more money turned into an unwilling game for these former law enforcement officers. Stalked, and then approached. They tried to run, but quickly learn that running means death. They barricade themselves inside of an old run-down ammunation. Two hunters are present, and they begin a game. They ask the hiding duo to offer a sacrifice. One person to give their life, so that the other may live. A morbid request, and one that would reveal the truth behind their friendship. Dallin, selflessly offered himself up to the hunters. He steps out, and surrenders to the custody of the hunters. They laugh. Their plan was never to kill the one who surrendered themselves, but the one who hid inside while the other died. That level of ego where another must die for you to live is not something the hunters would tolerate in a human. Dallin is forced to watch as his partner is taken into the custody of the hunters, and subjected to experiments. The hunters seem to have a different motivation for this ambush, as they jam a syringe into the former LEO's neck. The hunters leave the duo in the middle of a zombie horde, and leave their latest science experiment to fend for himself. They'll be watching.
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Endless fighting. Gunshots are the new background sound of Blueberry. One day, the gunfire was non-stop for over three hours. At the end of the week, over thirty dead bodies. Two crashed planes, one helicopter. On day one, the SANG faced off against an enemy and lost their assault team. The enemy? A single Revenant. Standing off on his own against the might of the National Guard, and a few bandits who happened to get excited by the gunshots, he spilled enough blood to nourish the earth for weeks to come. Day two, another assault. And yet again, a dead assault team by the hands of two chimera. Day three, more dead bodies. Over thirty dead, and not a single chimera injured. This is the new face of their community. An unstoppable force. One you do not mess with, or violate our rules. The lone bio fighter learned that lesson the hard way. He broke our rules, and was turned into a warning sign for the rest. Their numbers continue to grow, just as their power does.
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Archived. Merged under The Inconnu as of April 6th.
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