Vetarans of Project Apocalypse

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I had the chance to play Project Apocalypse roleplay about a decade ago. Any other survivals here? I know a truckload of you are lurking. Come out from the dark!

Me: David Quinn & Kirill Volkov! David main. At some point NG, then DOD faction leadership.
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Location: Australia
Characters: Sabine_Callarez

I used to play PA-RP heavily back in 2015. My character's name was Steven Quincy back then, a poor portrayed puny bandit who resided in Santa Maria, always on the prowl for vulnerable victims. Those times were fun.
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Hello, nice to see old players still around!
Posts: 92
Registered for: 1 year 8 months
Location: Romania
Characters: Kaitlin_West

Julia Alba / Catalina Rodriguez ✌🏻
Posts: 1
Registered for: 1 year 4 months

Haha! Good old days! I am around since Raiders of the Lost Land era the CDC. Man PA-RP got so many memories
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