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Moderator: Forum Engineer Access

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- Added /changepw in-game command to change your password.
- Added !resetpw Discord command to reset your password as a verified Discord user.

- Helpers may now be appointed by administrators properly.
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- Around 100 loot spawns were added across the map.
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- Weed consumable item. Using it makes your maximum reachable health 100.0 higher.
- Command /passcig to pass around a cigarette or blunt to other players. This is only a visual effect.
- Heavy weapon fire, such as M4, AK47, sniper, RPG and HSRPG now create a minimap blip for a couple seconds on the player that used it, simulating distant shots. (Range: nametag distance*20 = 520.0)
- Command /weapon [hide/unhide/adjust/bone/reset] added to have custom weapon appearances when scrolling your guns.

- The limit of player owned safes has been increased to 6.
- Patreon contributors receive furthermore one extra safe slot per their tier level.
- Territory entering messages now appear in the bottom right corner. (Will need more styling, but it was annoying and had to be moved.)
- Removed debris from the Flint County - Los Santos tunnel that was only visible from one side.
- Using a pickaxe now displays usage commands.
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- Command /clothing [new/hide/show/remove] has been added. Currently 4 slots are available to everyone. (FYI.: SAMP can have up to 10 clothing objects. The first five are used by scrolling weapons and showing them on your body. The script furthermore uses two for Bionic claws, however those will be also available.)
- Fishing rod (tool) object has been added. (Fishing system is still WIP!)
- Command /basepa for faction leaders to make use of their faction base's PA system, mainly to give out public alerts when being breached. They are played over in-game sounds.
- Command /hq for faction members to send a faction HQ message. Recipients must either be close to the faction's HQ or have a turned on radio to get HQ's message. (Note that these must be roleplayed as a text message. People around faction HQ would "hear the news" without having a radio on them.)
- New animations: /bar [1-12]; /baseball [1-11]; /beach [1-5]; /benchpress [1-5]; /camera [1-14]; /dealer [1-7]; /gang [1-33]; /gym [1-24]; /office [1-10]; /kiss2 [1-15]; These anims have been added to the list in /anims.

- Scripted radiation, along with territories are temporarily removed. The zones still show and you are expected to roleplay according.
- Scarville's and Area 69's most objects, such as walls, wherever possible, now have collision. NPCs will not see through them.
- /factions online member count has been hidden for bandit factions.
- Item name "Defibrillation Kit [AED]" was changed to "Defibrillation Kit".
- Removed Serenity.
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- Added fishing system. You can fish by equipping a fishing rod, going to water and using the ACTION_KEY (tabulator by default). Fishing baits are automatically taken if you have them. Not having them lowers your chances of catching anything.
- Added random airdrops. Upon a drop all in-game players get a notification of the general location where a sighted aircraft flew. For nearby players a checkpoint is visible as long as the flare is active, about one or two minutes. With more players being online airdrops have higher chances of dropping about every 15 minutes.
- Added Flare items. Activating them instantly calls an airdrop to your location, arriving within a minute.
- Added /tie and /untie commands to tie players hands.
- Added /blockpm command to deny incoming private messages. Note that your fellow faction and city members can still message you.
- Added /members and /citizens commands to list everyone who belongs to your faction and city.
- Added /oremove and /oexile commands to offline remove faction and city members.
- Added /assignpark faction command to set their vehicle parking points.

- All factions can request to be scripted as soon as they have a 7 days old thread. This change will allow everyone to participate in territory wars with the upcoming Warlord update.
- You no longer lose items when using /respawnme. The waiting time after death has been increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds. It is still forbidden to respawn while players roleplay or have not finished fighting around your body!
- /lock now locks and unlocks vehicles. Public random spawning vehicles cannot be locked.
- Using /fill to refuel a vehicle now asks you to input how much fuel you want to pour into its tank. (You don't need to calculate anything. If you want to fill it full just say 100, you will not have extra losses as the script handles that.)
- Faction operation message color has been changed to yellow and they are now visible to all faction members.
- Improvements on death system, in one instance dying players were not unequipping their weapons.
- Changed staff forum colors.
- Added the default Prosilver light forum style.
- Removed Serenity from SAMP and Discord too.
- Passworded the server to prepare more updates and Warlord release.
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- Added convenience commands, such as /l as alias for /low. /shout as alias for /s, /meshout for /melong, /doshout for /dolong and /gate for /gates.
- Added commands for more immersion and less confusion in RP: /shoutto (alias /sto), /lowto (alias /lto), /sayto (alias /to).
Kidney Test says (to Awide Test): Hello.
Kidney Test shouts (to Awide Test): Hello.
Kidney Test says [low] (to Awide Test): Hello.
- Radiation areas changed and they inflict damage.
- Loot rate and respawn time has been boosted. Almost all loot is in Red County now.
- Removed helper nametag color.
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- When a faction captures a territory the capturing faction member gains 10xp, counted faction members gain 5xp, and all other faction members in-game gain 3xp.
- When using a flare the player gains 1xp.
- When delivering a supply deliver the player gains 1-3xp depending on their cargo's size.
- Optimized code for faster execution. (Player, NPC and staff identification systems.)
- /clearchat (alias /cc) to clear the chat.
- Admins can now add factions in-game.

- Zones will not be pulsating during a territory capture.
- Players must be in-game, not tabbing or AFK, to be counted as a territory capturing faction member.
- The amount of territories captured are now counted in your /stats.
- Vehicles with 0 fuel cannot be started.
- Fixed /assignpark saved coordinates.
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- Territories normally now have 100 stocks. Depending on their size, the maximum amount of stocks they can hold varies. Their stocks refill at every restart.
- Territory stocks can be harvested, using the following prices:
  • Farm:
    Bread x10 for 10 stocks;

    Medical Supplies x5 for 20 stocks;
    Defibrillator Kit x5 for 20 stocks;
    First Aid Kit x10 for 20 stocks;
    Antidote x3 for 30 stocks;
    Virus Sample x1 for 20 stocks;

    Weapon Parts x5 for 20 stocks;
    9mm x100 for 50 stocks;
    12 gauge x50 for 50 stocks;
    .45 ACP x65 for 50 stocks;
    7.62mm x40 for 50 stocks;
    5.56mm x40 for 50 stocks;
    .338 Lapua Magnum x20 for 50 stocks;
    Rocket x2 for 50 stocks;

    Oil Barrel x5 for 20 stocks;
    Jerrycan x100 for 10 stocks;

- Antidotes can be used in vehicles.
- /checksupply new alternative is /checksupplies.
- /refuel new alternative is /refill.
- You can no longer fail to buy weapon parts when you have no space in your inventory.
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- Antidotes keep you immune from getting infected until you level up.
- Added low radio commands. (/rlow, /r1low, /r2low, etc.)
- In-character talking messages are now having small automatic corrections, such as the first letter gets capitalized, the word I gets capitalized and periods get added automatically. Furthermore if the message ends with number 1 it gets corrected to an exclamation mark.

- Fixed a bug, previously weapon adjustment bones did not load.
- Fixed minor bugs related to reloading your weapons.
- Fixed /blockpm output message.
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- Added 'vehicle entrances', basically garages that vehicles can /enter and /exit. Since it is very robust, such as interiors, this script may be used even for multiple exit garages or tunnels. Requests are accepted from factions to begin with!
- Properties with an inactive owner are now claimable. To be considered inactive the character has to be away for 'level*30+30' days. Note that the characters are checked, not the accounts!
- Added a new oil field territory to Easter Bay Chemicals.
- Added new objects for antidote, first aid kit and book items. Special thanks to Workrate!

- Fixed a minor bug related to fuel consumption. Vehicles fuel consumption used to be multiplied by the amount of passengers.
- Vehicles may be parked in interiors and virtualworlds as well.
- Airdrops virus samples or antidotes are now only 10. (Used to be 25.)
- Fishing flares has a higher chances now. (1d23 and 1d25 must roll maximum, if the latter fails weed is given instead.)
- Minor bug fixes preventing the frequent anim abuse.
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