Command list

Description: List of all commands and animations in ABC order

Categories: Guides

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[url=]Knowledge Base - Command list[/url]

Command list:
/abandon - Removes your personal ownership of the safehouse (entrance) you are standing at.
/abilities - Displays the abilities of a selected playable race.
/admins - Lists online admins.
/ame - Displays a roleplay action (such as /me) over your character's head without chat output.
/amy - Displays a roleplay action (such as /my) over your character's head without chat output.
/anims - Displays a list of animation commands.
/antidote - Injects a cure to the zombie infection into a selected character. (Antidote item required.)
/assignpark - Sets the spawn location of a faction vehicle to its current position.
/attach - Attaches a vehicle to your Towtruck or Tractor (vehicle 525 and 531 models).
/b - Sends message in OOC proximity chat.
/bankdeposit - Adds money to a city bank account from a commissioner or ruler.
/bankwithdraw - Removes money from a city bank account by a commissioner or ruler.
/basepa - Plays a sound effect at your faction base.
/beer - Adds a beer bottle to your character's hand.
/blindfold - Hides your screen with black background. Useful for screenshots.
/cashbox - Places money in your interior's (entrance or inside door) cashbox.
/cb - Sends message in OOC vehicle chat.
/changepw - Changes account password.
/checksupply - Lists supply items in a truck's trailer cargo.
/chirp - Sends message in IC Bionic proximity chat.
/cities - Lists cities and their online membercount.
/citizens - Lists all, including offline fellow citizens.
/citizenship - Invites a character to join your city.
/citybank - Displays your city's current balance.
/cityhelp - Lists city related commands.
/cityon - Lists online fellow citizens.
/claim - Gives you personal ownership to an unclaimed safehouse (entrance) you are standing at.
/clothing - Opens the clothing attachment menu.
/cmdlist - Lists all commands the player has access to.
/countermand - Removes a player's city mandate status.
/createsafe - Opens the safe storage creation meu.
/cw - Sends message in IC vehicle chat.
/damages - Displays recently taken damages of a selected character.
/ddo - Sends an IC action message (similar to /do) to both sides of an interior door. (Works from either side.)
/debugme - Resets your positions, interior and virtualworld.
/deliver - Delivers your supply products to a microcity's warehouse.
/demote - Removes a player's faction leader status.
/deploy - Deploys a selected deployable object using your faction's materials.
/description - Sets your character description that other players see when they /examine.
/detach - Deattaches any vehicle attached to yours.
/discord - Links your Discord account to your game account.
/do - Sends an IC action message.
/dolong - Sends an IC action message visible from far.
/dolow - Sends an IC action message visible only close.
/ds - Sends an IC message (similar to /s) to both sides of an interior door. (Works from either side.)
/email - Links your email address to your account.
/engine - Starts a vehicle engine.
/enter - Hints you to use KEY_RETURN (F by default) to enter or exit an interior.
/examine - Displays a selected character's appearance (they set with /description).
/exile - Removes a player's city status.
/exit - Hints you to use KEY_RETURN (F by default) to enter or exit an interior.
/f - Sends an OOC faction chat message.
/factionhelp - Lists faction related commands.
/factionon - Lists online fellow faction members.
/factions - Displays a list of all scripted factions.
/factionskin - Changes your skin to a private faction skin.
/fightstyle - Prompts you to change your character's fighting style.
/fill - Fills gas into a vehicle's tank.
/firstaid - Heals a character. (First aid kit item required.)
/fish - Hints you to use the KEY_ACTION button (tab by default) to cast your fishing rod.
/fixr - Stops all music and sound playing.
/frequencies - Lists your currently used radio frequencies.
/frisk - Frisks a character, displaying their inventory.
/gates - Opens or closes a nearby gate.
/getores - Converts your materials (from legacy mining script) into inventory items.
/grantdoorkey - Gives access key to a specified character at your interior entrance.
/grantkey - Hints you to use /grantdoorkey and /grantsafekey commands.
/grantsafekey - Gives access key to a specified character at your safe storage.
/handin - Transfers your scrap and ore materials to your faction warehouse.
/help - Displays a documented and categorized list features and commands.
/helpers - Lists online helpers.
/helpme - Sends an OOC support ticket, in form of a message, to online helpers.
/hood - Opens a vehicle's bonnet.
/hq - Sends an IC message through your faction's headquarters.
/human - Turns your zombie character into a human.
/id - Identifies a selected player by their name or id number.
/infect - Injects a virus of the zombie infection into a selected character. (Virus sample item required.)
/inventory - Opens or closes your character inventory.
/inventorylist - Displays a list of your inventory items.
/invite - Invites someone into your faction.
/isafk - Checks how long a specified player has been away from keyboard.
/learn - Opens the menu to learn new skills and abilities.
/levelup - Checks your current and required experience points for the next level.
/loadsupply - Transfers supply items from your inventory into a truck's cargo.
/lock - Locks or unlocks a nearby vehicle orinterior entrance.
/lockgates - Locks or unlocks a nearby gate.
/logout - Takes back the player to the character selection menu.
/loot - Takes items from a wounded character.
/low - Sends message in IC close proximity.
/mandate - Gives a character city mandated status.
/mask - Hides your nametag.
/me - Sends an IC character action message.
/melong - Sends an IC character action message visible from far.
/melow - Sends an IC character action message visible only close.
/members - Lists all, including offline fellow faction members.
/mine - Mines an ore.
/movesafe - Opens the safe storage movement meu.
/mutation - Selects a zombie mutation you use while your character is a zombie.
/my - Sends an IC character action message (Firstname Lastname's).
/myhouses - Lists your interior entrances and their locations.
/myitems - Displays a list of your inventory items.
/mysafes - Displays a list of your storage safes.
/namechange - Changes your character's name, retaining all other stats and data.
/oexile - Removes an offline player's city status.
/oremove - Removes an offline player's faction status.
/park - Despawns a private vehicle at its parking spot.
/passcig - Passes a cigarette to another character.
/pay - Transfers cash to another character.
/phalanx - Revives a brutally wounded bionic character.
/pm - Sends a private OOC message to another player.
/privateskin - Sets your character's skin to one of its private skins.
/promote - Gives a character faction leader status.
/quitcity - Removes your city status.
/quitfaction - Removes your faction status.
/r - Sends an IC radio message via your default radio slot.
/r1-8 - Sends an IC radio message via your selected radio slot.
/racechange - Changes your character's race.
/radiohelp - Displays a list of radio commands.
/remove - Removes a player's faction status.
/removecp - Removes your currently visible checkpoint.
/removesafekeys - Removes all other spare keys that unlocks your selected safe.
/repair - Fixes a selected vehicle. (Toolbox item required.)
/report - Reports another player.
/resetlp - Resets all your learning points.
/respawnme - Respawns your brutally wounded character.
/revive - Revives a brutally wounded character. (Defibrillator kit item required.)
/rnumber - Rolls the dice to display a random number in chat.
/s - Sends an IC message visible from far.
/savepark - Sets your private vehicle's parking spot.
/scan - Scans another player's inventory invisibly using Bionic eyes.
/scream - Stuns all nearby characters. (chimera)
/serverinfo - Displays last server startup date and time.
/servertime - Displays the time set on the game server.
/setchannel - Sets the default radio channel used by /r.
/setfreq - Sets a radio slot to work on a specified frequency.
/setrank Sets a character's faction rank.
/setspawn - Sets respawn location to an interior entrance you can access (such as via /lock).
/shop - Opens the shopping menu in a store.
/showradio - Shows your radio slot set frequencies to another player.
/skin - Opens the skin selection menu.
/smoke - Lights a cigarette.
/sniff - Finds nearby humans (including bionics) and zombies. (chimera)
/sprunk - Drinks a sprunk.
/stats - Displays statistics and data.
/stopanim - Clears animations.
/stopaudio - Stops all music and sound playing.
/storagehelp - Displays a list of storage safe commands.
/supplies - Displays stored microcity supplies.
/supplyhelp - Displays a list of supply commands.
/talkstyle - Prompts you to change your character's talking style.
/theme - Plays the server login music.
/tie - Ties another character.
/time - Checks the time.
/togf - Toggles your faction chat for all members.
/togfam - Toggles your faction chat.
/toghints - Toggles hint messages.
/toghud - Toggles your heads-up display.
/togjoin - Toggles joining and disconnecting messages.
/togradio - Turns your radio on or off.
/togzombie - Toggles zombie messages.
/togzones - Toggles territory marks.
/tokens - Displays a list of your tokens.
/towcars - Respawns faction vehicles.
/trunk - Opens or closes a vehicle trunk.
/unequipall - Unequips all items.
/untie - Unties a character.
/updates - Displays latest updates.
/vehicles - Opens the private vehicle spawning menu.
/vhelp - Displays a list of vehicle commands.
/virtualworld - Displays your virtual world.
/w - Whispers to another character.
/warehouse - Displays stored faction materials.
/weapon - Adjusts attached weapon positions.
/weaponids - Lists all weapon id and name.
/weapons - Lists all equipped weapons.
/wine - Drinks a wine.


Alternative commands:
/checkinv - /checkinventory
/itemlist - /listitems
/dice - /rnumber
/stuck - /debugme
/sa - /stopanim
/inventory - /inventory
/items - /inventory
/bag - /inventory
/fix - /repair
/fuel - /fill
/refuel - /fill
/unattach - /detach
/attachcar - /atthach
/heal - /firstaid
/virus - /infect
/cure - /antidote
/antivirus - /antidote
/safehelp - /storagehelp
/safes - /mysafes